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2nd Artistic and Literary Meeting




1. Read in detail THE RULES OF THE CALLbecause in it they will find heREGISTRATION FORM.

2.Fill theMATERIALS REGISTRATION FORMbefore theMarch, 15th

3. Wait for confirmation email in the snext 72 hoursand let us know if it is not received as there could be a shipping error.

4. INFORMATIVE ZOOM WILL BE PROGRAMMEDfor question and answer session of the PARTICIPANTS:
🎨Visual Artists: Friday, March 3, 11:00 am (CDMX time)
🎷🎭🎼🩰Other disciplines: Date to be confirmed

5.They will be sent tothe SELECTED ARTISTS the PDF with the different PACKAGES and registration costs.As well as the 3 dates to carry them out. 

6. Make the REGISTRATION payment,  on the dates indicated in the PDF of REGISTRATION PACKAGES that will be sent to your emails.DO NOT WORRY about the 1st payment date,that can be flexible and be doneno later than March 15, the other two dates indicated in the PDF are UNREMOVABLE,because it is required to set aside their places and prepare printed and digital materials.

7. Send proof of paymentby EMAIL to: putting as subject: NAME_REGISTRATION 2ND MEETING.

8.Wait for confirmation response. (it can take up to 72 hours, especially on non-business days).

9. If 72 hours have passed and you have received a confirmation response from us,NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY, so we can follow up on your registration.


In the case of VISUAL AND PLASTIC ARTISTS, are mixed techniques allowed?

Of course.  It is allowed that the work contains other types of materials in its manufacture or production such as glass, cloth, metal, sand, etc., as long as the final result is a painting, drawing or graphic, keep in its creation the use of traditional materials, and its weight does not exceed 50 kgs.

 I remind you that we have different categories and based on the materials you send us in the registration form, your participation proposal will be sent to you. I share the link visual artists, which is the one that corresponds to you.


Does a polyptych count as one or as several works?

A POLYPTIC counts as a single work, as long asDO NOT EXCEED, in its TOTAL size, the maximum size indicated in the call:180x200cm.

With how many works can I participate? (in the case of visual artists)

From 1 to 3 works(with a maximum size of 180x200cm) which will remain on display for15 days. The technical sheet will include a QR codepTo direct you to a personalized page in our virtual gallery   (for works that are registered before March 31)glamourartandbooks.artwhere you will have access to his career and  a review of each work.

Do the visual works that I attach in the ENTRY FORM have to be the same ones with which I am going to participate?cipar?

If you already have the works with which you will participate, you can attach them from the beginning. If not, I advise you to attach 3 works of which youyou already have, just to know your artistic proposal. The measurements that you must write down are the ones that you REALLY plan to take to the event (not to exceed 180x200cms for each work and not to exceed 50 kgs). You have to be in contact in a timely manner to make the change of your images, remember that we are going to create a web page for each of the works that will be on display.

Can I participate if I don't want to put mIs works for sale?

If you can, you just have toattach to the form that is not for sale.

When do I fill out the form with myworks, you choose the work with which I can participate?


We can choose, from the works that are sent to us, the most suitable ones. However, if you want to participate with the 3 that you send us, and we already sent you an APPROVAL email, you can do so. 


Do you do c work?uration to be able to participate?

Yes. The first filter for entry is made by RED GLOBAL CREATIVA, the second filter, for mounting the work and granting the AWARD is made by GALERÍA AMARILLO 78



How do I return my work? 

It's up to the participant. They can pick up the work directly at the facilities of GALERÍA AMARILLO 78 or contract with a parcel service,  in the latter case, once the company in charge of the shipment provides you with the guide number, you will have to send it to the email to follow up. Remember that the last day to collect your work is July 2.



The maximum measurements of the work Are they with the frame included?

Nonecessarily., if the frame is thin.


Is the minimum size 60x60?

Not necessarily, but it is recommended, to avoid that  your work is lost, if it is placed next to larger works.

Would the works go on the wall or on an easel? 

in screens.


Do I necessarily have to bring the same work that I put in the form to the event?

Not necessarily, but consider that all the materials will be generated with the one you have sent through the form or by email in a timely manner.

Day of delivery of the works?

The deadline is 6 dand June.

Is it mandatory that the work has to have a frame?

It is recommended, rerope that it is an international event, and you will have to fall in love with GALERÍA AMARILLO 78, if you want to aspire to the AWARD, also the work will be for sale.

Would it count as a personal or collective exhibition?

It counts as a collective exhibition.

What would happen if I sell the works with which I intend to participate in the 2ND ARTISTIC AND LITERARY MEETING?

No problem, you can do it. The only thing we ask is that for the event in San Miguel you exhibit work of the same quality as the one that was approved. 
If you want the work to be exhibited to be the same as the one that appears in the magazine, you must deliver final works no later than April 15. If you did not deliver them, the work we currently have in the form would appear in the magazine.
In the case of the WEB page that we are going to create for the reviews of your works, we would need final works no later than May 15. 
Remember that on the technical sheet of each work there will be a QR code that will direct you to that WEB page (hosted in our virtual gallery where potential clients will be able to find out the meaning of your work and your career.

It is important that you are aware of these dates, since they are very particular cases and it is difficult for us to think about them, we can miss the change of works if there is not good communication.

Stay in close contact with us via email.

IF YOU HAVE DOUBTSuntil now,join toZOOM

All theFriday at 11:00 a.m.time Mexico City

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