President of REIVNIT
Legal advisor of Red Global Creativa
Intellectual Property Specialist
ERNESTO ANÍBAL RIVAS ROMERO He has a Law Degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where he graduated with the professional thesis in Copyright called: “The Legal Situation of Authorial Societies in Mexico”. He studied a Diploma in Human Rights and Justice Administration at the Latin American Bar Association.
His teaching work is admirable. From 2001 to date, he is Professor of Law at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, at FES ACATLÁN, where he has taught a number of subjects, including: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY; Economic Criminal Law; Economic Law; Criminal Law II; Criminal Procedural Law; Theory of Criminal Law and Crime; Theory of the Constitution; Economic theory; Theory of the State; Legal Argumentation; Legal Ethics; ICT Applicable to Law; Process Theory; Administrative Procedural Law; Criminalistics and Forensic Medicine. Mr. Rivas is a lecturer, at the same institution, on topics such as Industrial Property; Copyright and Industrial Secret. From 2012 to date, he has been Coordinator of Intellectual Property and of the Diploma in Intellectual Property at the Institute of Specialization in Industrial Secrets.
Advisor, reviewer and synod of professional theses. His experience as a legal professional has been extensive. He is-President of the International Organization of Industrial Secrets A.C. (OISI). - General Coordinator of the Commission for Studies on Intellectual Property of the Institute of Legal Sciences of the State of Mexico A.C.; Founding partner of the firm specialized in Intellectual Property Rivas & Esanto, where he works as a lawyer and business consultant. - Leader of the digital platform in Intellectual Property "REVNIT" and Expert in Industrial Secret. His research areas have been: Intellectual Property; Economic Criminal Law; Industrial or Commercial Secret and Global Business Organized Crime (DOREG).
He is passionate about study and research, which is why he always seeks to be at the forefront of knowledge of Intellectual Property and Industrial Secrets. He has participated in innumerable training courses, seminars and national and international congresses. Just to mention some of the most outstanding: "Itinerant Seminar on the importance of Intellectual Property Rights for SMEs: European and Latin American Perspective." “International Congress on Industrial Secrets, “Unfair Practices in International Trade Seminar” “Copyright Defense Procedures” Second International Congress of Forensic Sciences”; More than 300 hours taught in courses and diplomas.
Speaker at 35 CONFERENCES on Copyright and Industrial Property in institutions such as: the National Autonomous University of Mexico; Metropolitan Autonomous University; University of the Valley of Mexico; Franco Mexican University; La salle university; UNITEC; UDEC; Mexican College of Design; Center for Research and Studies of Music; University of Cuautitlán Izcalli; Insurgentes Universities and COPARMEX, among others. He is also the author of 15 essays on Intellectual Property and Industrial Secret and 3 books on Intellectual Property. Due to his important contribution in the area of Law, he has received innumerable RECOGNITIONS from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the Attorney General's Office and the General Directorate of Expert Services of the Attorney General's Office of the State of Mexico.
He is currently a legal advisor and ally of RED GLOBAL CREATIVA, his professional services are part of the membership that has been created to project the career of artists and writers in different parts of the world.